The Basic Rapist Analogy

Here’s my understanding and analogy of a rapist’s mind.
Disclaimer: Not meant for the faint hearted.

I am someone who hates laughter. One day I suddenly run into a standup comic street performer who unwittingly makes a superb joke and makes me laugh involuntarily. I am trying my best to control myself but I can’t and I simply burst out laughing. The others present at the performance are enjoying themselves but I am dying of hatred inside me towards that performer, because laughing according to me is an emotion felt only by evil beings, and I am not one of them. After the crowd disperses, I approach the performer and start accusing him of turning me into evil deeds i.e. laughing. When he tries to reason with me, that it actually is a problem that I need to deal with, I get angry and want to teach him a lesson. Since I get that he likes laughter, the best way to teach him is to force it out of him, when he least wants it. The best way to induce laughter would ideally be delicate tickling but I will resort to violent measures, because right now I want to prove a point. I pin him down and take out all sharp objects I can spot nearby. I start to tickle him forcefully first and then when he doesn’t laugh enough I begin to force it further. I now begin to scratch him. In all the places where he would get tickled I scratch him with the nails and blades I picked up from the pavement. He is now bleeding and has developed bruises. He is also begging me to stop, but I have to keep going because I now feel powerful as I finally got my way with him. It was his fault after all, he is the one who made me laugh. How dare he make me laugh? I am going to teach him that making me laugh was a big mistake. Such an evil thing like laughter is not a part of my culture and I will make sure I don’t let anyone else practice it. So what if his culture doesn’t practice it? My culture is the best there is, we can only impart what is right. Also since he likes laughter so much, I’m sure he must be enjoying it no matter what. After I’m done forcefully tickling him with nails and blades he will never want to make anyone laugh again. And since he’s tainted, no one will ever want to watch him perform again. I think I’ve made sure of that.

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